A - C
Abbreviation | Meaning |
aal | Above aerodrome level |
ac | Aircraft |
ACAS | Airborne Collision Avoidance System |
ACC | Area Control Centre |
ACN | Airspace Co-ordination Notice |
A/D | Aerodrome |
ADC | Aerodrome Control(ler) |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finding Equipment |
ADR | Advisory Route |
AEF | Air Experience Flight |
AEW | Airborne Early Warning |
AFIS(O) | Aerodrome Flight Information Services (Officer) |
agl | Above Ground Level |
AIAA | Area of Intense Aerial Activity |
AIC | Aeronautical Information Circular |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
AIS | Aeronautical Information Services |
alt | Altitude |
amsl | Above mean sea level |
AOB | Angle of bank |
A/P | Autopilot |
APP | Approach Control(ler) |
APR | Approach Radar Control(ler) |
ARP | Aerodrome Reference Point |
ASR | Airfield Surveillance Radar |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
ATCC | Air Traffic Control Centre |
ATCO | Air Traffic Control Officer |
ATCRU | Air Traffic Control Radar Unit |
ATIS | Automatic Terminal Information Service |
ATM | Aerodrome Traffic Monitor |
ATS (U) | Air Traffic Service (Unit) |
ATSA | Air Traffic Service Assistant |
ATSOCAS | ATSs Outside Controlled Airspace |
ATSI | Air Traffic Services Investigations |
ATZ | Aerodrome Traffic Zone |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AWR | Air Weapons Range |
BGA | British Gliding Association |
BHAB | British Helicopter Advisory Board |
BHPA | British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association |
BINA ERS | British Isles/N Atlantic En Route Supplement |
BMAA | British Microlight Aircraft Association |
c | cira |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CANP | Civil Air Notification Procedure |
CAS | Controlled Airspace |
CAT | Clear Air Turbulence |
CAVOK | Visibility, cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions |
Cct | Circuit |
CFI | Chief Flying Instructor |
CinC Fleet | Commander in Chief Fleet, Royal Navy |
CLAC | Clear Above Cloud |
CLAH | Clear Above Haze |
CLBC | Clear Below Cloud |
CLBL | Clear Between Layers |
CLOC | Clear of Cloud |
CMATZ | Combined MATZ |
CPA | Closest Point of Approach |
C/S | Callsign |
CTA | Control Area |
CTR/CTZ | Control Zone |
CWS | Collision Warning System |
D - H
Abbreviation | Meaning |
DA | Decision Altitude |
DAAvn | Director Army Aviation |
DAP | Downlinked Ac Parameters [Mode S] |
DAP | Directorate of Airspace Policy CAA |
D & D | Distress & Diversion Cell |
DF | Direction Finding (Finder) |
DH | Decision Height |
DME | Distance Measuring Equipment |
DUA | Dedicated User Area |
E | East |
EAT | Expect Approach Time |
elev | Elevation |
ERS | En Route Supplement |
est | estimated |
FAT | Final Approach Track |
FIR | Flight Information Region |
FIS | Flight Information Service |
FISO | Flight Information Service Officer |
FMS | Flight Management System |
FO | First Officer |
fpm | Feet Per Minute |
fps | Flight Progress Strip |
GAT | General Air Traffic |
GCA | Ground Controlled Approach |
GCI | Ground Controlled Interception |
GMC | Ground Movement Controller |
GP | Glide Path |
GS | Groundspeed |
H | Horizontal |
HISL | High Intensity Strobe Light |
HLS | Helicopter Landing Site |
HMR | Helicopter Main Route |
HPZ | Helicopter Protected Zone |
HQ Air | HQ Air Command |
HUD | Head Up Display |
I - P
Abbreviation | Meaning |
IAS | Indicated Air Speed |
iaw | In accordance with |
ICF | Initial Contact Frequency |
IFF | Identification Friend or Foe |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
JOI | Joint Operating Instruction |
JSP | Joint Services Publication |
KHz | Kilohertz |
kt | Knots |
km | Kilometres |
L | Left |
LACC | London Area Control Centre (Swanwick) |
LARS | Lower Airspace Radar Service |
LATCC(Mil) | London Air Traffic Control Centre (Military) |
LFA | Low Flying Area |
LFC | Low Flying Chart |
LH | Left hand |
LLZ | Localizer |
LJAO | London Joint Area Organisation (Swanwick (MIL)) |
LoA | Letter of Agreement |
LTMA | London TMA |
MACC | Manchester Area Control Centre |
MATS | Manual of Air Traffic Services |
MATZ | Military Aerodrome Traffic Zone |
mb | Millibars |
MHz | Megahertz |
MOD | Ministry of Defence |
MRSA | Mandatory Radar Service Area |
MSD | Minimum Separation Distance |
N | North |
NATS | National Air Traffic Services |
NDB | Non - Directional Beacon |
nm | Nautical Miles |
NMC | No Mode C |
NK | Not Known |
NR | Not Recorded |
NVG | Night Vision Goggles |
OAC | Oceanic Area Control |
OACC | Oceanic Area Control Centre |
OAT | Operational Air Traffic |
O/H | Overhead |
OJTI | On-the-Job Training Instructor |
OLDI | On-Line Data Interchange |
PAR | Precision Approach Radar |
PFL | Practice Forced Landing |
PF | Pilot Flying |
PI | Practice Interception |
PINS | Pipeline Inspector Notification System |
PNF | Pilot Non-flying |
Q - Z
Abbreviation | Meaning |
QDM | Magnetic heading (zero wind) |
QFE | Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome/airport elevation (or at runway threshold) |
QFI | Qualified Flying Instructor |
QHI | Qualified Helicopter Instructor |
QNH | Altimeter sub - scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground |
R | Right |
RA | Resolution Advisory (TCAS) |
RAS | Radar Advisory Service |
RAT | Restricted Area (Temporary) |
RCO | Range Control Officer |
RH | Right hand |
RIS | Radar Information Service |
ROC | Rate of Climb |
ROD | Rate of Descent |
RPS | Regional Pressure Setting |
RT | Radio Telephony |
RTB | Return to base |
RVSM | Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum |
RW | Runway |
RVR | Runway Visual Range |
S | South |
SAP | Simulated Attack Profile |
SAS | Standard Altimeter Setting |
SC | Sector Controller |
ScATCC (Mil) | Scottish Air Traffic Control Centre (Military) (Prestwick) |
ScOACC | Scottish and Oceanic Area Control Centre (Prestwick) |
SFL | Selected Flight Level [Mode S DAP] |
SID | Standard Instrument Departure |
SMF | Separation Monitoring Function |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedures |
SRA | Surveillance Radar Approach |
SRE | Surveillance Radar Element of precision approach radar system |
SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar |
STAR | Standard Instrument Arrival Route |
STCA | Short Term Conflict Alert |
SVFR | Special VFR |
TA | Traffic Advisory (TCAS) |
TAS | True Air Speed |
TBC | Tactical Booking Cell |
TC | Terminal Control |
TCAS | Traffic Alert & Collision Avoidance System |
TRA | Temporary Restricted Area |
TFR | Terrain Following Radar |
TI | Traffic Information |
TMA | Terminal Control Area |
TRUCE | Training in Unusual Circumstances and Emergencies |
UAR | Upper Air Route |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
UIR | Upper Flight Information Region |
UKDLFS | United Kingdom Day Low Flying System |
UKNLFS | United Kingdom Night Low Flying System |
UNL | Unlimited |
USAF(E) | United States Airforce (Europe) |
UT | Under Training |
UTA | Upper Control Area |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time |
V | Vertical |
VCR | Visual Control Room |
VDF | Very High Frequency Direction Finder |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions |
VOR | Very High Frequency Omni Range |
VRP | Visual Reference Point |
W | West |