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The links on this page provide some interesting topical articles for more background reading. Although some are a bit dated, they still provide thought-provoking ideas and comments that are as applicable today as they were when they were produced.

New VHF Low-Level Common Frequency Trial. The RAF have introduced a VHF low-level common frequency (130.490 MHz) for a trial period, for the use of all pilots, civilian and military, to aid situational awareness when operating below 2000ft. This article, produced as an Air Safety Matter leaflet, is aimed at military pilots, but outlines the details of the trial and contains useful information for all pilots. Thanks to the RAF Safety Centre for permission to reproduce it. Download the New VHF Low-Level Common Frequency Trial article.

Minor Aerodrome in the UK Military Low Flying System. An article that was originally in the RAF Safety Magazine 'Air Clues' for military pilots, but useful for all those planning to fly close to minor aerodromes. Thanks to the RAF Safety Centre for permission to use it. Download the Minor Aerodrome in the UK Military Low Flying System article. 

BGA Sailplane & Gliding Airprox article. The latest BGA Sailplane & Gliding Airprox article can be downloaded. Our thanks to the BGA for permission to use it.

LAA article. An interesting LAA article on electronic conspicuity can be downloaded. Our thanks also to the LAA for their permission to use it.

'Andrews' MIT paper on unalerted air-to-air visual acquisition. Many articles on lookout cite the ‘Andrews’ MIT paper on unalerted air-to-air visual acquisition when talking about reaction times. Although a bit dated now, it’s got some really interesting material within. Download the 'Andrews' MIT paper on unalerted air-to-air visual acquisition article.

Limitations of the see-and-avoid principle. Another good paper on the ‘Limitations of the see-and-avoid Principle’ from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau can be downloaded.

2016 FAA Advisory Circular AC 90-48D. Although aimed at US flyers, the 2016 FAA Advisory Circular AC 90-48D can be downloaded and also has some good tips on how to avoid Airprox (which they term NMAC, meaning near midair collisions).

Overflight of gliding sites. A one-page brief from the BGA on the topic of avoiding over-flight of gliding sites can be downloaded. This has been of concern to the UKAB and the BGA for a long time and has been the subject of numerous articles to raise awareness. Please avoid overflying glider sites below the maximum winch-launch altitude, the consequences of a wire or glider strike are obvious.

2017 Airprox Barrier Performance. The safety barrier article from the 2018 Airprox magazine can be separately downloaded and provides some thoughts as to the overall effectiveness of the Airprox safety barriers for 2017's incidents.

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